Thyroid disorders are not always easy to identify and treat. The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland located at the front of the neck that produces the hormones that regulate metabolism. Thyroid hormones essentially stimulate our cells to produce energy. Dr. Broda Barnes, a pioneer in the treatment of thyroid disorders, wrote one of the first books that identified the fact that many people with chronic and unexplained conditions had undiagnosed and untreated thyroid disease. This book was titled "Hypothyroidism, the Unsuspected Illness." It was one of the first texts to detail many of the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism (low levels of thyroid hormone).
Signs and Symptoms of Low Thyroid Function (hypothyroidism) can include:
Doctors typically rely on a blood test called TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) to determine if the thyroid gland is functioning normally. Unfortunately, TSH levels may not give enough information to completely evaluate thyroid problems. TSH is a hormone signal released from the brain and directed at the thyroid gland to make the thyroid hormones T4 and T3. After these hormones are released into the blood the body converts a majority of the T4 hormone to T3. The T3 hormone is the more active hormone (by over 300 times!) and is the hormone that enters into the cell to stimulate metabolism and energy. When there is not enough thyroid hormone, the body will increase the TSH signaling hormone in the brain. If you have an elevated TSH level on a blood test, then most doctors will diagnose you as hypothyroid. Many holistic physicians believe the optimal range for TSH should be between 0.5-2.0. Thyroid specialists will also test the levels of T4 and T3 in addition to TSH. Some people do not adequately convert T4 to the more active T3. This poor conversion results in many of the same symptoms listed above for hypothyroidism.
Blood tests to measure thyroid function have some limitations because it is impossible to measure how much thyroid hormone gets into the cell. Basal body temperatures are often used as an alternative measurement of metabolism and thyroid function. Basal body temperatures are typically taken from the arm pit and range from 97.8-98.2 degrees. Basal body temperatures are best measured in the morning before getting out of bed. This is usually done for 5 consecutive days. Menstruating women should take temperatures the first 5 days after the beginning of menses. Those with chronically low basal body temperatures are thought to have a thyroid problem.
Common reasons for low thyroid levels (hypothyroidism)
After identifying a problem with the thyroid, it is important to investigate the underlying reason for the dysfunction. Some of the most common causes for an under active thyroid include:
- Nutritional deficiencies such as zinc, selenium and iodine.
- Consumption of daily non-fermented soy products and large volumes of raw cruciferous vegetables can decrease thyroid function. These foods are known as goitrogens.
- Pesticide and heavy metal exposures.
- High insulin levels, poor blood sugar control and diabetes.
- Stress and aging.
- Over training with endurance exercise.
- Oral estrogen replacement and birth control pills. These medications will increase the production of a protein (Thyroid Binding Globulin) that binds up the thyroid hormone and makes it less available for the body to use.
- Consumption of gluten grains (wheat, rye and barley), aspartame and sucralose (Splenda) may contribute to the development of an autoimmune thyroid condition called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.
- Those with a family history of hypothyroidism have a higher chance of developing a thyroid problem.
- Damage to the thyroid gland and detection of nodules can decrease thyroid hormone production.
Natural therapies to support thyroid function
A comprehensive approach to treating a thyroid condition should include the avoidance of gluten grains, non-fermented soy and artificial sweeteners in the diet. Detoxification diets that aid in eliminating the body's burden of pesticides and heavy metals can also be helpful.
There are several mineral deficiencies that can lead to poor thyroid function. Iodine and selenium are important minerals for thyroid function. These minerals are found to be significantly depleted in the soil, especially in areas known for thyroid disease called "the goiter belt". Zinc is a mineral that is especially important for thyroid dysfunction due to aging. Many nutritional formulas designed for thyroid support will include L-tyrosine, the amino acid the body uses to make thyroid hormone, along with several of these important minerals.
The complexity of the endocrine system can make it difficult to identify all the important nutrients and cofactors that nature intended for optimal function. For this reason the use of glandular supplements, clean extracts from the glands themselves, can be especially helpful for natural thyroid hormone support. Thyroid glandular supplements can provide many trace co-factors, enzymes and other proteins that can help regulate hormone production and communication. We carry a number of supplements that contain the nutrients that support the thyroid gland.
The endocrine system is designed as a complex communication system between all the hormones. It is important that all the glands of the endocrine system are working properly for optimal hormone balance. However the adrenal glands are particularly important for optimal thyroid function. The adrenal glands are responsible for the production of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol and thyroid hormones work together and one cannot work without the other. For this reason adrenal support is often recommend for those with thyroid disorders.
If you have been diagnosed with a thyroid disorder or suspect that you have a thyroid problem it is important to work with a physician well versed in the different options for evaluation and treatment. In addition to the listed natural therapies there are several hormone medications which are available as prescriptions. Sometimes a combination of natural therapies and medications is required to help the body reach optimal function.